Job Creation

Building a Stronger Economy through Education

Building a Stronger Economy through Education

The pathway to creating more and better-paying jobs in Michigan hinges on our ability to offer a top-tier education that aligns with the evolving needs of the global economy. This means prioritizing STEM education, vocational training, and lifelong learning opportunities that equip our citizens with the tools they need to succeed. By fostering a skilled workforce, we not only provide individuals with the means to achieve personal success but also create a competitive advantage that attracts diverse industries to Michigan. The result? A robust economy built on the pillars of knowledge, innovation, and job creation.

  • Better Education

    Enhancing the quality of education to prepare students for the demands of the modern workforce.

  • STEM and Vocational Training

    Expanding access to STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) and vocational training programs to meet current and future job market needs.

  • Lifelong Learning

    Encouraging lifelong learning and upskilling to keep pace with technological advancements and economic shifts.

  • Attract a Broad Range of Industries

    Leveraging a skilled workforce to attract and retain a wide range of industries, fostering job creation and economic growth.

  • Innovation Hub

    Positioning Michigan as a leading center for innovation and technology, driving the creation of high-paying jobs.

  • Economic Vitality

    Building a sustainable economy that benefits all Michiganders by focusing on education as the foundation of job creation.