Election Integrity

Election Integrity: Safeguarding Every Vote

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Election integrity is vital for the health of our democracy, ensuring every vote is legally cast and accurately counted. It's essential to maintain public trust in our electoral process, protecting the rights of every American to have their voice heard.

Jason advocates for a bipartisan approach to strengthen our electoral infrastructure, enhance transparency, and simplify the voting process. This commitment transcends political divides, uniting us in the common goal of fair, free, and trustworthy elections. It's not about party allegiance; it's about upholding the very foundation of our democratic values.

  • Bipartisan Oversight of Elections

    Jason advocates for an election oversight system managed by a bipartisan committee to ensure fairness and transparency in the electoral process.

  • Secure and Accessible Voting Systems

    We must prevent fraud while also making sure that voting systems are accessible to all eligible voters, including those with disabilities.

  • Voter Identification Laws

    Reasonable voter identification requirements, balanced with provisions to ensure that these laws do not disenfranchise legitimate voters.

  • Bipartisan Collaboration on Election Issues

    Elections form the bedrock of our democracy. While our ideas and priorities may vary, we must move beyond seeing each other as adversaries. By collaborating and engaging constructively, we can ensure that our electoral process remains the most robust and secure in the world.